Leo and CottonBall

Leo and CottonBall

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Lives of The Not so Elite but Insistant of one Child

DNA testing is what I was told occurred _ While some fought a bogus war< Mothers took it upon themselves to have their grandkids tested for DNA < Military decided DNA home testing was no longer reliable _ funny considering we've been told over & over Scientists know best. My sister decided to test her grandchild < well results indicted kid wasnt " his"oh well imagine that " now if your a gun owner in Texas DNA was obtained via finger prick, without getting consent. My oldest nephew is 44 yrs old < My Uncle is seeking his grandson who was adopted, I know where he's at _ However it's not up to me to reveal his location. I gave my consent for one of the boys to marry at age 17. I am not a Soccer Mom < in fact one of my Blogs is a Hockey Blog< I gave up blog 5yrs ago < BTW Trump Yes We Can Belongs to me. Obama administration Lied in regards to Ceaser Chavez I was threatened